In Service to the Energy & Archetype of the
Inspired by the Majesty Herself
Let us bow as students, in reverence to the archetypal energy of the Queen.
To She who reigns with Grace, with a sense of care for her children, her people,
and first and foremost, Herself.
Her spine is erect, her heart is open, and she sees much. She chooses to act responsibly with love, respect, and in service to all.
How can we rise into our Queen ~ together? How can we digest, metabolize, and compost that which is a heavy weight on our own sense of royalty?

This will be a gathering for women, created by women, accompanied by all the tools and allies that we deem as essential as living in a female body and touching in with our own unique expression of Majesty.
To the embodiment of the Queen within us! To the honoring and respect of all other Queens and Kings with whom we reign alongside.