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:: Creating Change from the Inside Out :: 
Image by Zoe Schaeffer

I consider myself a Death/Birth Doula of sorts..

For over a decade, I've devoted myself to the path of liberation and the embodied exploration of how to nourish, live, and love in a female body. This has taken me on a journey and in a study of the realms of the womb and the menstrual cycle, sexuality, voice, and Earth/elemental connection. I’ve also ended a marriage, sold a dream home & property, left an organization I created, and completely reinvented my life. I’ve come to know and love the inner territory of transformation, the creative potential that accompanies change & the alchemical marriage between deep feeling and one's artistry.


I spent seven years supporting people in intimate healing spaces in the plant medicine realm with Ayahuasca while also building the organizational structure, planning the retreats, and fostering the heart and growth of the organization. In my work with somatic therapy exploring the territory of developmental and intergenerational trauma, I have come to learn the difference between therapy (and coaching & mentoring) and therapy that 'works'. 


I value the skillful care of a sensitive and attuned presence and guide, and given many of the relational misattunements we’ve experienced in our developmental years, see it as an essential ingredient in creating authentic and integrated change in one’s inner and outer world. 

Almond Blossom

A Sacred Journey of Unveiling
Yourself to Yourself

Our Container

I generally work in 2-6 month containers, which is customizable, depending on your needs and our shared sense of what is supportive. 


We will meet for 60 minute calls where we will be with what is emergent. These calls are an invitation into the more subtle realm. In exploring together, we can begin to expose the deeper messages of what life, your body, and your soul are communicating with you. There is deep healing that happens when we learn to turn towards ourself with curiosity and love, and listen and honor the more subtle messages of our body and life. To be met, witnessed and reflected in this space by an attuned presence creates a healing opportunity for the nervous system that offers a new template of being in one's body.

Depending on your intentions and current life situation, part of our work can include conversations around relational dynamics, sexual healing and desires, entrepreneurial endeavors, sacred space holding, menstrual cycle well-being for women, mystical teachings, and awakening your voice/artistry. 

You will likely have practices and/or intentions to walk forward with between sessions. 

For people who are local to Santa Cruz County, we can have in-person sessions that include sound healing, healing touch, and/or ceremonies with either plant medicines (when appropriate) or womb/ritual ceremonies to support your embodied sense of receiving and being met.


*I work with a sliding scale pricing model to support accessibility in being supported*

**One-off sessions are available for individuals with whom there is already an established relationship.** 

Image by Agnieszka Kowalczyk

Please schedule a free call to connect and explore if there is alignment in working together.

"I didn't realize how much I needed relational support to connect me with a deeper, more subtle part of myself. Now my art and my music is sourced from a place that offers me both healing and magic. I'm not sure I could have done it with Ava's skillful guidance - and inspiration!"

Alexa | Musician & Healing Artist

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